(Otso thinking: Hmmnn... the hospital is quieter now. It was jampacked here yesterday. Where are all those dogs and cats I met? I hope they are all home and well now.)
Thank you very much for looking after me, Miss Nurse.
Because I fractured my molar, which is also called Carnassial Tooth, which is one huge molar, which has got three roots buried deep into my jaw, which got infected and really sore, and which had me on a cycle of antibiotics, they needed to put me on general anaestesia to extract it. Then, they drained it and then they sutured my gum with some self-dissolving thread so I don't have to come back here anymore. Thank God! Not that the guys here are not good, but nothing beats home.
If I will not let them extract it, the infection will come back as soon as I stop my antibiotics. And it may eat into my skull, and/or it may affect my eye, and/or it may leak out of my cheek, and/or it may go down as far as my neck, and many more and/ors I stopped listening. I am so scared already I decided I will stay the night here for urgent extraction.
They also mentioned Root Canal, but said it is not fartical.
In any case, I'll be alright. I may have a lisp from now on but I can always charge that to Extra Character - !
Now, we have to go home as I can feel the world rockin'-rollin'-slidin' under my paws again.
WOwrr! WoWrr! Bring it on !!!
Oh, there are some stains on my thigh. Maybe I licked it earlier when my gum was still bleeding. And the cotton is still on my arm. Oh, well, I'll just clean myself up when I wake up.
Zzzz.... ngork...pshew....Zzzz.... ngork...pshew!
P.S. Thank you heaps to all my well-wishers!